Miracle MD: Patient’s Story

DMJ Studios created a library of approximately 50 videos to attract, engage and educate viewers on Dr. Soloway’s distinct ability to diagnose and treat patients who’d searched for relief for decades.

DMJ Studios created a library of approximately 50 videos for Dr. Stephen Soloway, the Miracle MD, to attract, engage and educate viewers on his distinct ability to diagnose and treat patients who’d searched for relief for decades. Click here to see more videos from the Soloway portfolio produced by DMJ Studios.  

Miracle MD: Comprehensive Care

DMJ Studios created a video content library for Dr. Stephen Soloway, the Miracle MD, including this piece highlighting the doctor's comprehensive services.

DMJ Studios created a video content library for Dr. Stephen Soloway, the Miracle MD, including this piece highlighting the doctor’s comprehensive services. Click here to see more videos from the Soloway portfolio produced by DMJ Studios.

Miracle MD: Bad Medicine Book Promotion

DMJ Studios created a 360º brand strategy for Dr. Stephen Soloway, the Miracle MD, which included promotion for his books, Bad Medicine and Medical Politics.  The integrated marketing campaign utilized video as its centerpiece.

  DMJ Studios created a 360º brand strategy for Dr. Stephen Soloway, the Miracle MD, which included promotion for his books, Bad Medicine and Medical Politics.  The integrated marketing campaign utilized video as its centerpiece. Click here to see more videos from the Soloway portfolio produced by DMJ Studios.  

Anthony Story National Kidney Foundation

This patient testimonial for the National Kidney Foundation depicts Anthony’s story of how he dealt with Kidney failure, and his subsequent transplant. Hear the amazing story of how his brother stepped up to donate. He takes judo, protects his precious kidney, and makes sure to take his meds.

FreedomCare Truly Cares

A story that comes from the heart touches the heart, and this is a great example of that. David Jasse, DMJ Studios’ founder and creative director, interviewed clients of FreedomCare and uncovered emotional and personal stories from patients and their caregivers.  He and his team turned those stories into a series of videos including this […]

My Test Tube Baby Without BRCA Gene

Test Tube Baby

When a women has the BRCA gene mutation (BReast CAncer gene mutation) her chances of getting breast cancer are as high as 85% and as high as 44% for ovarian cancer. As this is hereditary, the risks of passing it to ones children are extremely high. Hear one story of how a women changed the […]

Reminiscing Pediatric Cancer Testimonial

Award winning “Reminiscing” is a short film about death and facing death. This short branded documentary was produced for Chai Lifeline featuring two families telling their stories of how they battled cancer and how this non-profit organization specializing in pediatric cancer support, played a vital role in getting through it all. Since 1987, Chai Lifeline’s […]

One call RCCS cancer

Hear the heart wrenching story of a dad being paralyzed and 10 year old Keren being diagnosed with a Stage 4 illness. Amazingly RCCS, Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society and the community comes to their aid. When someone is diagnosed, they need the right insurance, the money to cover it, the right doctors and entre into […]


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