Golf Committee

Over 1250 guests including Governor Cuomo and Mayor elect De Blasio came to the Marriott in NYC . This Golf parody was one of 4 DMJ films featured at the fund-raising Gala.

Bet el honorees

Bet El Institutions is on the front long of Western Democracy in Israel. Honorees help paint a picture of what it’s like to live in Israel and specifically Pinny and Yael express their gratitude to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gluck for their critical role in building up Bet El Institutions. The short film […]

Community Partnership Award

Over 1200 people gathered in the Marriott Marquis in NYC to celebrate OHEL’s amazing service to the community. Director David Jasse, shows how he can think on his feet.. conceived this clever open on the spot! Abraham Banda Owner of Pomegranate Recipient of the OHEL Community Partnership Award

Summer Camp

Instead of having honorees get up and give speeches, honoree films have many advantages: – Control the content and time – Have more than the honoree featured – Feature videos of your organzistion – Highly entertaining

Escape from Iran

Everyone has a story. DMJ Studios has made countless biographies and short films that capture these stories. Let us tell yours.


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