I Have Cancer
The birthright of every child. Stolen by pediatric illness. Since 1987, Chai Lifeline’s mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed. Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores […]
Finding Strength Together Woman’s Cancer
DMJ Studios is proud to produce emotional and powerful videos that promote awareness for the support offered to women with cancer. More than 650 men and women showed their support for Sharsheret at the Teaneck Marriott in New Jersey. Sharsheret supports Jewish women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer at every stage—before, during, […]
Do Nurses Go To Jail
The VNA vnahg.org goes just about anywhere to help the people they serve. Will they go to Jail for their patients? Watch this touching story. DMJ was hired to tell 6 stories of dedication of nurses in the field to be featured at over 6 venues during Nurses week.
Freedom Care Managed Care
People have a fundamental human right to be taken care of by those they are familiar with, trust, and who genuinely care about them. With FreedomCare this is possible through CDPAP, which allows you to self-direct your caretakers.freedomcareny.com
BINA looks at brain injuries differently than most. An all-star team of Doctors, scientists and administrators come up with a custom solution for each patient. This often leads to outcomes some would consider impossible.