Triumph to Tragedy

Alex’s story is one of triumph over tragedy. After experiencing hardship and homelessness, he found hope and support through Freedom Care. Starting as a customer in need, he became inspired by their work and decided to join the company. Through their guidance and opportunities, Alex excelled, completing a manager’s course at Harvard Business School and […]

Two Journeys Pediatric Cancer

Directed by David Jasse, DMJ Studios produced “Two Journeys” a stunning short documentary for Chai lifeline on pediatric cancer. This highly emotional short film includes segments captured by the children who were given handicams to document their arduous journey. The highlight of the films is the children’s outrageous camp experience in Camp Simcha-Camp Happiness. The […]

Am I Alive?

Hear this dramatic life an death story when Roz did not even know if he was alive. Hear about the organization that helps soldiers deal with PTSD. Director David Jasse traveled throughout Israel to shoot a series of documentary films for this incredible organization who’s help ranges from providing mentors to prosthetic legs.

Terror in Jerusalem

Listen to the account of being run over by terrorist and the 3 year recovery. Belev Echad – One Heart stepped in to treat the psychological scars. Director David Jasse traveled throughout Israel documenting soldiers touch by this tremendous organization.

Settling the Land of Israel Bet El Gala

Close to 1000 turned out to view two DMJ Films. Here you’ll see how Dr. Joe Frager took his pioneering sprit and put it to work for the State of Israel. More and more organization and event coordinates are going for honoree films instead of chancing the possibility that speakers may cause the program to […]

Live For The moment Pediatric Cancer

Follow the path of three teens dealing with the devastating disease of cancer. Share their challenges and triumphs and feel their uncertainty. Hear about the help Chai Lifeline provides to patients and families when their lives are turned upside down. Since 1987, Chai Lifeline’s mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children […]

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