Never Give up

Law firm promotional video services

Rothenberg Law firm has produced over 50 spots with DMJ

Maxsip Telecom


Through an FCC program, Maxsip is offering free internet services. DMJ created branding, concept, production, editorial

Childhood is Futurehood

DMJ created a series of promotional spot to promote the mental health department of Ohel Family Services

Maxsip Telecom AARP


Through an FCC program, Maxsip is offering free internet services. This was created especially for AARP. DMJ created branding, concept, production, editorial

I Cut Myself, I Burn Myself

This short film produced for Madraigos, an organization that deals with teens at risk, tells of the horrific realities facing our youth today, and what Madraigos is doing to help those spiraling down, and how they help prevent others from falling into the same pitfalls.

Domestic Violence

DMJ teamed up with OHEL to create an emotional and educational piece about the various forms of domestic violence titled Objects. Traditionally, domestic violence has been portrayed as physical harm, but that does not come even close to encapsulating every method of abuse.

Healthcare Services

Health Care is a huge issue that not many people understand. Educational videos such as this can help people stay up to date on their health care options. Hamspik Choice is a Managed Long Term Care Plan (MLTCP) contracted with the State of New York to provide clients with a variety of health care services. […]


Allen Rothenberg is a TV icon and legendary lawyer. DMJ kept what has worked in the past, but added a new, updated look to the commercials.


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