
These two specific TV promos for ‘The Graham Norton Show’ and ‘Family Feud’ were responsible for generating the highest ratings the shows had ever seen. It was a massive win for Network Ten Australia and earned the promo producer several awards. The promo for ‘Charmed’ was used as a generic spot and was a favorite […]

Bavarian Conservative Party

This spot highlights the Bavarian Conservative Party’s annual winter conference with a host of international guests. The event takes place every year in Seeon – a picturesque village close to the Bavarian Alps.

North Rhine-Westphalia state election in Germany

This was used as a major campaign spot for the North Rhine-Westphalia state election in Germany of May 2022. The ad criticized the Social Democrats’ close ties to Russia. This video successfully contributed to keeping the SPD out of office.

Born to explore with Richard Wiese on ABC

Journey to the dense jungles of Uganda, a country which ranks among the top 10 in the world for mammals like zebras, rhinos, tree climbing lions. Born to Explore is in search of the elusive mountain gorilla. Follow Richard and our native trackers into the Bwindi Impenetreable Forrest as they discover clues which will lead […]

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