CCHF – Tip the Scales

The Choftetz Chaim Heritage Foundation enlisted DMJ to help with their 2020 Roshashana Charidy campaign. The theme for this year’s fundraise was “Tip the Scales.” Watch one of the promos  

Camp Oraysa celebrates 2020

It was an interesting year for all sleep-away Summer camps. There were many who believed they would never open in 2020. But, Camp Oraysa instituted COVID-19 protocols and provided learning and fun to their many campers. Watch the video  

Transplanted Livers Will Grow Back

The amazing thing about the liver is that it will grow back. In our film, the transplant recipient receive a piece of his brothers liver, and both donors and recipients liver grew back successfully! More people die waiting for livers from deceased donors that from the transplant itself, that’s why a living donor was used.

Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Depends on DMJ for Worldwide Virtual Event

The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation asked DMJ to help create content for its annual Tisha B’av event, which for the first-ever time will be presented in virtual form. Observing Tisha B’av is a tradition, but CCHF wanted a modern feel for two promos. Based on their existing color scheme, custom-designed graphics were created.

Autism During Quarantine

“Isolation and the disruption of routines have been hard for all of us, but especially difficult for those who have autism or are caring for an autistic child. OHEL hired DMJ to produce an animated short to illustrate just how much of an adjustment this new life is to autistic children. Autism comes in many […]

The Rothenberg Law Firm’s Strategic Shift

When your brand has stood the test of time, it’s a big decision to make any changes. But the rules of digital advertising are different from traditional platforms. Because of that, The Rothenberg Law Firm shifted to a more eye-catching look for their new digital spots.

OHEL Educates About Domestic Violence During COVID

OHEL came to DMJ to create a PSA to educate the community on the many forms of domestic violence, and the many forms of help OHEL offers. Creative lead Jon Lazer offered 4 approaches, unanimously everyone chose “Objects”. The idea is that common objects around the house, take on a new meaning in the eyes […]

OHEL Familiy Organization gets the word out on COVID-19

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt lives all over the world, OHEL Family Services wanted to voice their support for all those affected. If you’re unaware, OHEL’s mission is to be the most trusted haven of safety and support, providing services that help build lives, and strengthen families, homes and communities to face social, […]

Teaching the Visually Impaired (TVI)

Every wonder who teaches the teachers? We’ll DMJ learned all about Dominican College’s teacher education program. “This masters program is not only touted by the teachers who are trained, but the heartwarming interviews with the visually impaired and blind children certainly pull in the audience”, according to Director David Jasse. Watch Video Dominican College has […]

Multi-Million Dollar Campus

OHEL Family Services is building a new multi million dollar complex in Brooklyn. Here we are on location in City Hall with New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito discussing how the new complex will be benefit the community and state.

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